Impact Of Integrated Teaching Programme On Behavioural Outcomes Among Adolescent Girls Regarding Prevention And Management Of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome From Selected Schools Of Mumbai


  • Mrs. Prafullata Prakash Natekar



The juvenile period could likewise be a particular period where there is a change from youth to adulthood, a period of social and passionate, mental, and physiological adjustment. During this time individual achieves sexual and physical development, while there are possibilities of an imbalanced emotional maturity. When girls start menstruating, we say a girl has entered into puberty stage.Methodology: A Quasi-Experimental Design and a quantitative research approach was carried with 300 adolescents in selected schools of Thane and Mumbai where Non-Probability Purposive Sampling Technique is used.  A Semi-structured questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge and attitude of adolescents. For Dependent variable, knowledge and attitudes and for independent variable, implementation of Integrated Teaching Programme. Descriptive and Inferential Statistics were used for data analysis of the study. Result: As the calculated value is statistically significant so null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and alternate hypothesis (H1) is accepted for both knowledge and attitude given by the adolescent girls regards to prevention and management of polycystic ovarian syndrome. The post test knowledge and attitude mean are statistically more than their respective pre test mean. This suggests that Integrated teaching programme is effective in improving knowledge and attitude given by the adolescents. Thus, this has a favorable impact on behavioral outcomes of girls from private and municipal schools of Mumbai.  Conclusion: Study concluded that the statistical agreement demonstrates an elective picture of improved knowledge of adolescent girls, the alternative hypothesis was accepted and concluded that there was a noteworthy contrast found between post and pre-test score and information score of the teenage women and the blended Teaching Program on the Knowledge in regards to PCOS affirms and incompletely, additionally satisfies the goals of the current examination. Recommendation:Studies later on might be completed with a huge sample, to generalize the discoveries.



2022-12-13 — Updated on 2022-12-13





How to Cite

Impact Of Integrated Teaching Programme On Behavioural Outcomes Among Adolescent Girls Regarding Prevention And Management Of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome From Selected Schools Of Mumbai. (2022). Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 5366-5373.